Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pringles hot and spicy

O, its been years since I last wrote but frankly, alot's happened in that time. Got married, moved house, started a new job and have started my uni post grad..... but all this sums up to an ant of Uluru when compared with the flavour of these awesome pringles.
First lets talk about the appearance...... the tube, well these guys are the original chip in a can.... as far as I know anyway and I still remmeber those old ads with ppl tapping the can and kicking it round the street and stuff to make music. I've tried it on the bottom of the can myself and you would be amazed at the cool tunes you can "pop" out even if you are not that musical. I once was skeptical about the chip in a can but when u see how many of these babies pack into a can you can't help but be converted. Look at that awesome burning ring of fire on the can too with the chip flying through it. "Is this meant to symbolize your ass when you're on the toilet the next day?" Oh well, it looks cool anyway, and I like the pribgles head with no hands or body and little bow tie.
Now the most important part, the flavour. They are not the hottest "chilli" chips you will find, (so far those are Kettles chilli, leave that for another day) but that is a good thing, to me they are just the right amount of spiciness, they really hit the spot when you have em with beer, but you will need a chaser beer also to wash it all down to settle the heat.... or maybe a few chasers but hey, beers awesome so yeah. Something else that sets pringles apart is most of the time u get very little crumbs or shit broken crushed up chips at the bottom (I hate those broken chips) unless the pimply kid at coles knocked the box of these on the floor clumsilly as he was checking out the hotties who he won't get for another 3-4 years (thats how long I had to wait for my first hotty). Oh and BTW, you can only get these at coles, not woolworths, maybe at the other smaller supermarkets but to be quite frank I wake up too late to shop at those smaller places, they shut too early.
Once you pop can you stop? ..... well yes but you will probably finish off a decent amount of these in one sitting (half the can?). Anyway, I give these chips a Potatoe chip factor of 3.5, a few minus points cos they give me heartburn sometimes, and of course minus for the hot ring.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ok, I suppose this is my first official POTATOE chip factor rating. Today at work I ate Smiths thinly cut sour cream and onion. The first thing I noticed before I had even one bite was the colour of the packet, that baby blue, why did they choose that colour? Sour cream is not that colour, onion is not that colour, the whole thing intrigues me, and annoys me a little. I would make the bag red with green shallot tops sticking up from the bottom of the picture and a label dobbing sour cream on the shallots.

Now the taste of the sour cream and onion crisps is high in the shour cream department and low in the onion department, whereas the other way 'round would be mofe suited to my palate. Nonetheless I do like eating these chips. Flavourwsie they are like Luigi to Mario.... always in the backdrop and... boring and lacking edge. I'm not a big fan of the thinly cut crisp movement, and would love to return to the glory days of the crinkle cut.... sigh. Anywhodaloo for these chips I give a chip factor of 3.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

For my first potatoe chip review I will actually review Arnott's Barbeque Shapes which are not a potatoe chip at all. This will be the first of many "chips" to go under the factor, which is a score out of five. Alright let's go.
Arnott's are an old time favourite of most people I know, the hexagonal shape of the snack already has most snacks beat, with the hexagon being one of the coolest shapes around. They also help the biscuit fly through the air more easilier when you are using them as ninja stars. This is something you will be doing because the hexagonal biscuit biggest problem is it's lack of flavour, there is never eough of those red and green flakes and they need more salt. I held one of the snacks up to my eye because I don't have a microscope and I found only 25 tiny salt crystals.... not enough.
Everyone knows the joke about the barbeque shapes not tasting like anything like a barbeque or anything you could ever cook on one. Barbeque shapes don't even taste like barbeque sauce.
Because of Arnott's lack of ability to appropriately name their snack and the fact that their snack has no real flavour to name, the Shape of all shapes recieves a chip factor of 2.